Sister School in U.S. Offers Donation along with a Thousand Origami Cranes.
Tohoku Gakuin University received a donation of 6,353 USD (496,000 yen) from our sister school, Ursinus College in the U.S. The fundraising campaign which was held by the Ursinus College Japan Culture Club (Mai Lionni Guss, representative), sold original T-shirts and concert tickets for a Tamagawa Taiko drum performance at Ursinus College. Also, the Japan Culture Club hosted events, such as "Tohoku Night" for which they invited local community members, as well as Ursinus students and staff to fold cranes with club members while they discussed the situation in Sendai. Students who had previously visited TGU as part of our exchange program with Ursinus College spoke of their memories in Sendai and shared a slideshow of their experiences..

Sasaki Ikuko, director of the 2011 American Study Program receives a thousand origami cranes from Dr. Bobby Fong, the President of Ursinus College.

The origami cranes are displayed in front of the International Affairs Office at the Tsuchitoi Campus of TGU.