





For many years, Hochschule RheinMain and Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku have had a successful partnership. The students from Wiesbaden fondly remember the wonderful time in Sendai.

It was a big shock for us to hear about the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011. For us it was clear that we needed to help our partner university during these hard times.
Therefore, I asked Prof. Dr. Andreas Lenel if we could organize something to support the university and the people in Sendai. He and Prof. Dr. Detlev Reymann, president of the university - who personally took care of the project from then on - were excited about this idea immediately.

We started a university-wide donation fund that was promoted through our website, as well as through other media like facebook and our newsletter. The donation program was closed successfully with a special event at the cafeteria. Japanese food was served and all earnings of day were donated as well. Overall 6300€ were collected with donations reaching from 1€ up to 500€. The project was well received by everybody- students, professors, the university and others. There was also an article in the local newspaper of Wiesbaden, as well as on the university’s website about the success of the project.

The donation initiative serves not only as a financial support, but also as 友好の象徴 - a symbol for a long lasting friendship and that we care about the people in Sendai. After many years of generosity and support by the Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku, the students and the guest-families, we would like to give something back and say “どうもありがとうございます”.

We hope Sendai and the university will recover soon: 頑張って下さい and 幸あれ!


2011年3月に大地震と津波が日本を襲ったと聞いた時、私たちはかなりのショックを受けました。協定校にとって辛いこの時期に、協力すべきだということは明らかでした。そこで私はAndreas Lenel教授とDetlev Reymann学長に相談し、仙台の人たちを助けるためにどうしたらよいか相談したところ、すぐにこの計画を進んで引き受けてくれました。

私たちはホームページやフェイスブック、ニュースレターを通じて大学全体での義援金募金活動を開始しました。募金活動は学生食堂でのイベントの大成功で幕を閉じました。日本食を振る舞い、収益は全て義援金とした結果、1ユーロから500ユーロまでの寄付を合計すると6300ユーロ(約72万円)が集まりました。 この募金活動は大学全体―学生、教員、そしてその他の大学関係者に広く受入れられました。この模様はラインマイン大学のホームページのみならず地元新聞紙にも取り上げられました。




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