
教養学部 言語文化学科




教養学部長 佐久間 政広


拝啓 時下益々ご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。


The Department of Language and Culture in the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Tohoku Gakuin University announces the following full-time (tenured) faculty position at the Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor level.
Founded in 1886, our university is one of the oldest private universities in Japan, respecting the dignity of the individual and the strengthening of character based on Christian principles.
The Faculty of Liberal Arts, founded 28 years ago, is an interdisciplinary college composed of the Department of Human Sciences, Department of Information Design, Department of Regional Design, and the Department of Language and Culture.
Candidates are sought who will be supportive of the university’s philosophical mission based on Christian principles.

・公募人数:1名 教授、准教授、講師もしくは助教
Job Opening for one Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer, or Assistant

Department of Language & Culture, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tohoku Gakuin University

・公募分野: 英語圏の文学・文化
Literature and Culture in English-speaking countries

 語学系科目      「英語ⅠA・ⅠB」、「英語ⅡA・ⅡB」等
 演習系科目      「言語文化基礎演習」、「言語文化学演習」等
EnglishⅠA・ⅠB, EnglishⅡA・ⅡB, English and American Literature, History of English and American literature, British Culture and Language,
Introductory Seminar to Linguistic Science, Seminar in Linguistic Science, etc.

Applicant qualifications: Candidates who meet all of the following conditions will be given preference.
A qualified candidate should:
1. Possess a Ph.D. by the starting date, or demonstrate a comparable research achievement record.
2. Be able to teach classes in English and have the necessary Japanese fluency to perform various university duties.
3. Have the necessary motivation and experience to teach general education English.
4. Be of sound mind and body.  Enthusiastically perform university duties, teach, and conduct research in accords with the department’s philosophy and educational objectives.   

Starting date: April, 2017

Salary and benefits will be in accords with Tohoku Gakuin University regulations.

Method of selection: Review of application materials and an interview (including a mock lecture). Applicants will be given written notification of the search results by the end of August 2016.  However, those applicants who successfully pass through the document review will (prior to the interview) be requested to submit two 5-minute videos (one in English and Japanese).  The content of the videos should pertain to a lecture concerning Literature and Culture in English-speaking countries.

1. Curriculum Vitae.
2. Complete list of research achievements.
3. Research and educational history (an outline up to the present day is acceptable).
4. Three major academic publications/research papers
 (please include a one page (A4) summary for each).

Note: Submitted documents will not be returned.

Deadline for receipt: May 31, 2016

 東北学院大学教養学部長 宛

 Sendai-shi, Izumi-ku, 2-1-1 Tenjinsawa
 Attention: General Administration Section, Tohoku Gakuin University, Izumi Campus
 To: Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts

Send all dossier materials as registered mail. Please write “ATTN: Application for Faculty of Liberal Arts English Position” in RED on the envelope/package exterior.


For further information (queries only): Search Committee for New Faculty Position in the Department of Language & Culture, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tohoku Gakuin University
Telephone: 022-375-1166 (Secretary Department of Language & Culture)
E-mail: 2017eng@gklang.jp